Mobile Health and Screening Unit

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The Mobile Health and Screening Unit (MHSU) for Vulnerable Migrants and other hard to reach groups is an innovative service planned and established by the HSE Social Inclusion Office, in partnership with Safetynet. This project is co-financed by the National Social Inclusion Office and the European Commission under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and is supported by the Department of Justice and Equality. The Unit was kindly donated by the ‘Find and Treat’ team of the NHS.  

The MHSU adds capacity to the current health system, identifying and treating health problems and reducing threats from communicable diseases. It offers screening and / or Primary Care services to refugees arriving under the Irish Refugee Protection Programme in the first instance, as well as to other groups who experience difficulty in accessing these services through the mainstream health system.

The MHSU responds rapidly and flexibly to screening and health assessment needs of vulnerable and marginalised groups, including vulnerable migrants at risk (including Roma & protection applicants), homeless persons, Irish Travellers and illicit drug users.

Engagement with hard to reach groups is utilised as an opportunity for harm reduction advice and the implementation of health promotion and preventative strategies.

The MHSU is being used to support refugees arriving into Ireland.