About Primary Care Teams, (PCT)

A Primary Care Team (PCT) is a multidisciplinary group of health and social care professionals who work together to deliver local, accessible health and social services to a defined population of between 7,000-10,000 people at ‘primary’ or first point of contact with the health service. The population to be served by a team will be determined by geographical boundaries and/or the practice population of participating general practitioners (GPs).

PCTs provide a holistic approach to community needs on a social, welfare, housing, education and health needs basis.  Primary Care Teams provide a ‘one-stop’ approach and can meet or arrange the vast majority of the care needs the public will need.  A typical primary care team consists of GPs, Nurses, Home Helps, Health and Social Care Professionals and Health Care Assistants. All the team’s health care professional’s work together to share information and their respective skills to ensure that patients with the greatest need receive services in a timely and coordinated way.

Ideally, all members of a PCT will be based in a primary care team building, where accommodation is appropriate and available to enhance multi-disciplinary work.

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