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National Drug Rehabilitation Implementation Committee (NDRIC)

Rehabilitation emerged as a key issue during the lifetime of the previous National Drugs Strategy (2001-2008). Arising from this a working group was set up and the Report of the Working Group on Drugs Rehabilitation 2007 mapped out rehabilitation policy and a strategy for integrated drugs rehabilitation services. The National Drug Rehabilitation Committee (NDRIC) was established to oversee the implementation of this report.

NDRIC is an interagency committee that reports to the Oversight Forum on Drugs. It is chaired by the HSE Senior Rehabilitation Coordinator and has representation from relevant stakeholder Departments, agencies and sectors.

NDRIC developed the National Drugs Rehabilitation Framework 2010; to provide “a framework through which service providers will ensure that individuals affected by drug misuse are offered a range of integrated options tailored to meet their needs and create for them an individual rehabilitation pathway”.

In 2011, ten sites piloted the Framework to inform future national roll-out using the National Protocols and Common Assessment Guidelines. In November 2013, the Department of Public Health & Primary Care at Trinity College Dublin conducted an Evaluation Report of the National Drugs Rehabilitation Framework Pilot.

The evaluation assessed the quality and effects of the Framework, and examined the perceived usefulness of the Framework tools (protocols, minimum standards for initial, comprehensive assessments and care plans within a quality framework). The quality of the Framework tested well, and the Evaluation found that there was near universal enthusiasm for the Framework and optimism that its aims could be achieved if commitments to the Framework were re-iterated by all agencies.

NDRIC considers that the Framework has successfully brought about a mechanism by which drug related interventions and interventions where the main focus is not drug treatment are integrated into a person’s care plan in a formal way. NDRIC is now in the process of promoting and inviting participation nationally in the rollout of the NDRF with Local and Regional Drugs and Alcohol Task Forces and relevant services, and is developing a competency-based training on the Framework system including key working, care planning & case management.

For more information: send an email to NDRIC.

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Publications and reports