Policy on Erasures and Sanctions issued by Regulatory Authorities against HSE employees

This policy sets out the actions to be taken on receipt of notifications of erasure or the imposition of sanctions on the practice of a regulated practitioner. It identifies and assigns responsibilities for the implementation of the policy and the procedures to be followed on receipt of amendments from the regulatory authorities. You will note from the policy that the procedure for HSE South is different from other HSE areas. This is due to the different HR system in use in HSE South.

This policy has been developed following a review of HR Circular 004/2010 re Policy on the Management of Professional Registers and Amendments to such Registers and is replacing it with a single policy covering notification of erasures and sanctions issued by the regulatory authorities and separate policies relating to the verification of annual registration of practitioners with the five relevant regulatory authorities (doctors, dentists, nurses, social workers & pharmacists). These policies are being developed and will be available on this website shortly.

Read the Policy on Erasures and Sanctions issued by Regulatory Bodies against HSE employees and related HR Circular 012/2012.