Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons at Risk of Abuse

Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons at Risk of Abuse’ has been developed by the HSE’s Social Care Division (responsible for the provision of services for older persons and persons with a disability). This new policy is for all HSE and HSE funded services staff and builds on, and incorporates, existing policies in HSE Disability and Elder Abuse services and in a range of other Disability Service providers.

The HSE Social Care Division is committed to safeguarding vulnerable persons from abuse and a key priority for 2014 was to publish a policy spanning both Older Persons Services and Disability Services. ‘Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons at Risk of Abuse’ now provides one overarching policy to which all agencies will subscribe and implement in their place of work ensuring;

·        a consistent approach to protecting vulnerable people from abuse and neglect

·        all services have a publicly declared ‘No Tolerance’ approach to any form of abuse

·        a culture which supports this ethos is promoted

This policy applies to older persons or persons with a disability that, as a result of physical or intellectual impairment, may be at risk of abuse. The person may be in receipt of a care service in his or her own home, in the community or be resident in a residential care home, nursing home or other setting. Equally, the person may not be in receipt of a care service. 

For further information, please click on the links below:



Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Information:
