Workplace Health and Wellbeing Unit Strategy

We wish to empower staff to maintain their health and wellbeing in a supportive and safe work environment, with our Vision, Strategy and Core Principles being fundamental to our goals.

Our Vision

We aim to help you to WorkWell, ensuring that each staff member working across within 2,500 work locations nationally is empowered to access staff support services to maintain their health and wellbeing in a supportive and safe work environment.

In turn, staff support services respond in a positive and proactive manner to ensure that there is timely intervention and advice tailored to the specific requirements of the client within the context of 19 service delivery units.

Our Strategy

The embedding of the delivery structure for the national health service requires each component of staff support services to be visible, responsive and proactive. Strategically, the emphasis will progress concurrently to pre-emptive measures to ensure that there is appropriate early intervention and support for all staff.

Our Core Principles

To create and maintain the workplace conditions which enables the service delivery system to perform.

Policies, Procedures and Guidelines that relate to workplace health and wellbeing to be current and accessible.

Three High Level Performance Indicators underpin the strategic objective of the WHW unit and progress is reported across each work area.                

High Level Performance Indicators

  • Economies achieved includes Value for Money & economies of scale.
  • Efficiencies achieved includes appropriate skill mix through workforce planning, synergies, elimination of duplication and non value added activities
  • Enhancements Achieved includes system improvements.