Service User - Phoenix Care Centre

What are the service opening hours?

The services of Phoenix Care Centre operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

How can I refer?

Due to the specialist nature of the services provided by Phoenix Care Centre, referrals are only accepted from Adult Mental Health Units or Local Community Mental Health Teams.

What functions / treatments and therapies are offered?

Alder Ward is a 12 bedded female Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit

Oak Ward is a 12 bedded male Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit

Birch Ward is a 20 bedded mixed gender Rehabilitation Psychiatry Unit

Hazel Ward is a 10 bedded mixed gender Rehabilitation Psychiatry Unit

All units provide specialist multidisciplinary (health workers from numerous disciplines) assessment and treatment in order to address mental health difficulties and promote recovery.

Which types of illness / medical condition does the service treat?

The Psychiatric Intensive Care Service provides care and treatment for acute episodes of mental illness within a therapeutic secure environment. Service Users who, as a result of their mental illness have complex needs and require higher levels of support than that provided in their local Adult Mental Health Unit are referred to the Psychiatric Intensive Care Service. Oak and Alder ward provide intensive psychiatric treatment with enhanced levels of care, observation and security, for a discreet period of time.

The Rehabilitation Psychiatric Service provides specialist care and treatment tailored to the needs of the service user. Service Users referred to the Rehabilitation Psychiatric Service most often have a severe and enduring mental illness. Each service user has a recovery care plan which guides the treatment plan. This rehabilitation service aims to support people with complex mental health problems to gain or regain cognitive, emotional, social, intellectual, and physical skills needed to live, learn, work and function as independently as possible in the community with the least interference by symptoms.

Who will I see?

The multidisciplinary team is made up of Consultant Psychiatrists, Registered Psychiatric Nurses, Social Workers, Occupational Therapists, Psychologists, Registered Medical Practitioners, Therapists, Activation Specialists and Healthcare Assistants.

There are also non clinical members of the team who provide valuable non direct input.

As a patient how do I access services?

Service Users cannot self refer.

Due to the specialist nature of our services, referrals are received from Adult Mental Health Units and the local Community Mental Health Teams.

All referrals to the Psychiatric Intensive Care Service are triaged and screened by Consultant Psychiatrists in Intensive Care.

What supports/support groups are available?

The Irish Advocacy Network provides a service to all areas of Phoenix Care Centre.

You can talk to members of the multidisciplinary team if your relative / friend is a patient and you require additional support / information.

Useful Links / Resource pages of this website provide sign posting to external agencies.

Comments / Complaints

You can talk to any member of staff who can address your concern

You can ask to speak to a manager on duty

Additional Information

Please refer to the Links / Resources Section