Contact Details, Connolly Hospital Acute Medical Assessment Unit

Acute Medical Assessment Unit (AMAU)

Connolly Hospital AMAU opened in May 2012, treating patients over 16 years of age with acute medical conditions.  Each shift in the AMAU is lead by the AMAU Consultant/Medical Consultant on call and a Clinical Nurse Manager II. 

The AMAU aims to facilitate the rapid assessment of patients who may require emergency treatment/admission to hospital.  All referrals currently come from the Emergency Department (ED).  Patients with a General Practitioners (GP) letter, deemed suitable by the Triage nurse and patients without GP letter, deemed suitable by ED doctor may be referred to AMAU.

Opening Hours

The AMAU is open Monday to Thursday 08.00hrs to 21.00hrs (excluding bank holidays) and Friday 08.00hrs to 18.00hrs.


The AMAU is located on the main hospital corridor opposite the ED.

Contact Details

(01) 6466061

Additional Services

The AMAU offers a service where patients can make a self referral to smoking cessation facilitator.