Pilates videos

Pilates is a form of exercise like yoga. It involves a series of movements that focus on core strength, posture, balance and flexibility.

Practising Pilates can improve overall wellbeing as well as general fitness.

Pilates videos

This is the first video in our series of Pilates videos. The classes are around 30 minutes long. These videos have been developed for beginners and up. 

We recommend that you use a non-slip exercise mat. Wear comfortable clothes you can move and stretch in.

Who Pilates is suitable for

Pilates is good for everyone. 

A Pilates workout includes exercises and stretches. You perform each exercise with attention to your breathing and abdominal muscle control. For maximum benefit, you should do Pilates at least 2 or 3 times a week.

Before you start

Get advice from your GP before you start an exercise programme if you:

  • have any concerns about your health
  • are not sure if the exercises are suitable
  • are recovering from an injury

If any of the exercises are causing you pain or discomfort, stop and get medical advice.

Benefits of Pilates

Regular Pilates can improve posture, muscle tone, balance and joint mobility. It can also relieve stress and tension.

For athletes, Pilates can help your training by developing strength and flexibility. It can also help reduce the risk of injury.

Injuries while doing Pilates

Pilates is a low-impact form of exercise. Injuries are not common.

These Pilates exercise videos are led by a qualified Pilates instructor. Do the exercises at a pace that suits your level of fitness and ability.