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DESMOND stands for Diabetes Education and Self-Management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed people. It's a free course for people with type 2 diabetes.

DESMOND courses will help you manage the changes that type 2 diabetes brings to your life. They offer the opportunity to meet and share experiences with others.

DESMOND runs over 2 half-day sessions or as 1 full-day course with follow-up support at a later date. You will be told about the follow-up sessions when you attend the course.

DESMOND course

A group of up to 10 people with type 2 diabetes are invited to attend the DESMOND course. This is a good opportunity for you to meet other people with type 2 diabetes. A family member, carer or friend is also welcome to book a place and attend with you for support.

The sessions are run by a dietitian, diabetes nurse or other diabetes health care professional.

Book your free place on a DESMOND course

When you attend the course you will:

  • get up-to-date information on type 2 diabetes
  • learn practical skills to help you manage your diabetes
  • discuss things that affect diabetes treatment like food choices, being active, managing weight, medicines, smoking, alcohol, check-ups, eye care, foot care and more
  • gain helpful skills and confidence in how to manage your diabetes well.

People who have attended the DESMOND course have found it of benefit to them:

“The DESMOND programme has helped me to understand how diabetes works and how best to improve my health. It gave me a new outlook on a healthier lifestyle”

“I was reluctant to come to the meeting but now I am glad that I came as it was very informative…plain speaking”

What you will learn during each session

Session 1

  • Your story (thoughts and feelings about diabetes)
  • What is diabetes and how does it affect me?
  • Blood glucose monitoring
  • Food choices - carbohydrates and food labelling
  • Weight management

Session 2

  • Possible effects of diabetes on health and how to prevent them
  • Physical activity
  • Food choices - fat and food labelling
  • Your health plan

You are welcome to bring a family member, carer or friend to support you on the course. Just book a place for them.

Book your free place on a DESMOND course

This Youtube video explains the benefits of taking part in a DESMOND diabetes course.

Page last reviewed: 1 August 2020
Next review due: 1 August 2023

This project has received funding from the Government of Ireland’s Sláintecare Integration Fund 2019 under Grant Agreement Number 9.