Acute Hospitals Quality & Patient Safety Office
The Acute Hospitals Quality & Patient Safety Office works closely with the hospitals and hospital groups to ensure safe standards of patient care are maintained in our hospitals. This office works closely with other HSE Divisions including the Quality Improvement Division and the Quality Assurance and Verification Division.
The aim of the Quality and Patient Safety Office is to provide the Acute Operations Division with assurance that safe, effective person centred care is provided across acute hospital services. The objectives in achieving this aim include:
- Leadership that drives the Quality & Patient Safety agenda
- Surveillance that detects the standard of Quality & Patient Safety
- Performance management that facilitates Accountability
- Fostering a QPS learning environment
- Capacity and capability that enables QPS culture
- Communication that informs, connects and supports
Key areas of work include:
- Monitoring of risk / incidents in acute hospitals system
- Provision of oversight, guidance and support to service areas in managing serious incidents
- Review of National Standards for Safer Better Health Care self assessment process and tool
- Supporting quality improvement activity
- Project management for the National Patient Experience Survey
- Health Care Associated Infection /Anti microbial resistance National Implementation team - operational leadership and support
- National coordination of the Hospital Patient Safety Indicator Reports (HPSIR)
Contact: Margaret Brennan, Head of Quality and Patient Safety
Phone: 01 7959935
Health Care Associated Infections