Key Worker

A key worker is your point of contact on the mental health team helping you to coordinate your care, not only within the mental health service, but also across systems (work, education, social welfare, financial resources, recreation, independent organisations, etc). Key workers do not deliver all of your treatment, however are responsible for making sure that people are keeping to what was agreed in your care plan.  You should be able to speak to that person when you are concerned about anything.

Your Key Worker will;

  • Meet you on a regular basis. (how often varies depending on how much you need at the particular time). Some key workers will visit your home, others will see you in the clinic or hospital.
  • Draw up the care plan with you and the rest of your multi-disciplinary team.
  • Coordinate the delivery of the plan to help you achieve the goals set out in the care plan.
  • Be present at various meetings/appointments if requested.
  • Answer your questions about the service and, if required, helping you navigate the service to get the treatment you need.
  • Assist you with the interpretation of assessment results, or outcomes of meetings.
  • Work with your family if needed (with your permission).

In Dublin West and South West Mental Health Services you are usually assigned a key worker if you are

Your key worker can be any member of the multi-disciplinary team. In some areas of the service all key working is done by members of the nursing staff.