Trauma Inter-Hospital Referral (1800-TRAUMA) Process

The Trauma Inter-hospital Referral Process (1800-TRAUMA / 1800-872-862) is a centralised referral system for inter-hospital major trauma referrals operated through the National Trauma Desk of the National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) of the National Ambulance Service.

To streamline the referral of major trauma patients and to coordinate transport, the Trauma Desk at the National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) provides a centralised referral system for inter-hospital major trauma referrals facilitating communication between referring and receiving hospitals. It will provide recorded and written details of referrals for adult inter-hospital major trauma transfers, and allows for governance and oversight of the entire process from a national perspective.

Step-by-step guide to the 1800-Trauma process (PDF, size 879 KB, 1 page)

1800-TRAUMA Referrals to the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital (MMUH) Major Trauma Centre (MTC)

The MMUH MTC is currently accepting trauma patients with complex limb injuries, pelvic and spinal trauma, where these are the dominant injury requiring specialist care. As capacity and major trauma services continue to develop at the MMUH, the number and type of major trauma patients that can be referred through 1800-TRAUMA process will gradually increase in the Central Trauma Network (CTN).

1800-TRAUMA Referrals to Beaumont Hospital

The National Neurosurgical Centre at Beaumont Hospital is accepting referrals for Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) from trauma-receiving hospitals in the Central Trauma Network.

1800-TRAUMA Referrals to Cork University Hospital (CUH) Major Trauma Centre (MTC)

CUH MTC is accepting referrals for all major trauma injuries, including Traumatic Brain Injury, from trauma-receiving hospitals in the South Trauma Network (STN). In advance of calling 1800-TRAUMA (1800-872-862), please submit a completed Clinical Referral Form to CUH and NEOC.

1800-Trauma CUH Clinical Referral Form website instructions (Word, size 76 KB, 1 page)

Transfer of Care and Egress of Trauma Patients from Acute Hospitals

When appropriate and when patients complete their acute care in the Major Trauma Centre they will be transferred to a hospital closer to their home if ongoing care is needed. The HSE Transfer of Care and Egress of Trauma Patients sets out guidance on the transfer of care and egress of trauma patients.

HSE Transfer of Care and Egress of Trauma Patients policy (PDF, size 445 KB, 19 pages)