Integrated Services Framework

In accordance with international best practice, HSE ICT established the Integrated Services Framework (ISF) to bring standardization to our technical, application and information architectures. Standardization has many benefits including the facilitation of cross-sharing of data across healthcare systems and technologies, and laying a foundation for a national EHR.

Advancement of the Information Architecture work -stream of the ISF has identified a number of core standards, stakeholder needs and architectural requirements which must be embraced to ensure collaborative value and success.

The journey forward also involves the consultation and sharing of the relevant standards and information architecture artifacts with our industry and supplier base. This will involve the progressive development of a number of subject area models (SAMs) embracing standardized datasets and the associated standards based mappings, messaging and terminology artifacts that harmonize and normalize the data across our applications and platforms.

A draft of the first SAM, based upon the HIQA patient discharge dataset is published on this web page. The SAM will be subject to further revisions as we seek to embrace fully the EU epSOS and eHN datasets to accommodate patient entitlements under Directive EU 2011/24.

It is anticipated the final draft will be released at the end of Q2 2015 following independent review and QA.

The SAM and associated artifacts are provided under open licence.

Downloadable Components

PATIENT DISCHARGE SUMMARY__(release_draft 1.01)

-1- CEN-EN13606-COMPOSITION.EUPatientSummary.v2.ADL - the 13606 Template as computer processable file ADL file

-2- CEN-EN13606-COMPOSITION.HIQA_DischargePatientSummary.v2.xls - a generated Excel spreadsheet with detailed information
-3- CEN-EN13606-COMPOSITION.EUPatientSummary.v2.sch - a generated computer processable XML Schematron file
-4- - a generated FreeMind map
FreeMind can be downloaded via:

The scope of the present Data Set is use for information and procurement purposes.The Discharge Summary specifies what data points are optional or mandatory and provides descriptions for each data point. Please be aware that for a number of the data elements, associated coding systems may need to be determined and expanded. These may include Snomed-CT, LOINC and ICD 10.

Release_2 will comprise a stable QA version of the patient summary with additional code bindings. Other SAMs including clinical datasets are under consideration but no timeline has yet been determined for the development and publication.

For further information or queries on any aspect of the above or the national ICT Integrated Service Framework Programme please contact