Healthy Ireland External Partners

Healthy Ireland is led by the Department of Health, but involves all government departments.

These departments include:

  • education
  • environment
  • rural and community development
  • children and youth
  • disability and integration
  • transport and culture
  • arts and sports

HSE Healthy Ireland has strong links with people and programmes across a wide range of these government departments.

Healthy Ireland Local Authorities

The Healthy Ireland programme works closely with the Department of Health and the Department of Rural and Community Development.

HSE Healthy Ireland provides information and guidance for the Healthy Ireland Fund, which is managed by the Department of Health. The Healthy Ireland Fund supports initiatives in the Healthy Ireland Healthy City and Counties Programme.

Local Community and Development Committees (LCDCs)

Every city and county council in Ireland has a LCDC.

The purpose of the LCDC is to:

  • coordinate and streamline local and community development programmes and projects
  • improve community based services
  • promote meaningful citizen and community engagement

There is a wide range of organisations and community groups represented on the LCDCs, including the HSE. To progress the work of the LCDC they develop a 6 year plan, called the Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP).

Healthy city and counties

To implement Healthy Ireland across the country, each area has a Healthy Ireland city and county coordinator. The coordinator uses a unified approach. They focus on programmes and projects that improve the health and wellbeing of local communities.

These coordinators make connections and build partnerships to improve health and wellbeing for all.HSE Healthy Ireland has strong connections with the Healthy Cities and Counties Programme.

You can find out more information or contact any of the Healthy Ireland coordinators through Healthy Ireland Local Government programmes -

Local Economic Community Plans (LECPs)

Each LCDC produces a Local Economic Community Plan (LECP). This plan sets the priorities for their community development. Health and wellbeing is a key component of each of these county plans.

LCEP plans are listed below:

Other external partners

HSE Healthy Ireland values the importance of working in partnership with others. Collaborating with other organisations and agencies outside the HSE helps to improve the health and wellbeing of the population.

Some examples of our partners include: