HSE PVC/CCV guidance

The HSE PVC/CCV guidance was developed by HSE-AMRIC to help health services enhance the safety and quality of care by reducing healthcare associated infection and other adverse effects related to use of peripheral and central venous catheters. This guidance is based on the HPSC Guideline on Prevention of Intravascular Catheter-Related Infection in Ireland 2009 and updated in 2014. 

This guidance is intended for use by all HSE staff responsible for the insertion, care and management of peripheral and central venous catheters (PVC and CVC) in either hospital or community settings. This guidance applies to all people including adults, babies and children cared for by the HSE for whom the use of a venous catheter is considered.

The guidance will help HSE services to:

  • Reduce use of venous catheters in situations where they are not strictly required
  • Reduce hospital acquired and healthcare associated Staphylococcus aureus blood stream infection (National Service Plan Key Performance Indicator)
  • Reduce the incidence of other adverse effects resulting from use of venous catheters

If you have queries or feedback please contact the HSE-AMRIC team hcai.amrteam@hse.ie