Ashbourne Primary Care Centre, Unit 12 Killegland Walk, Declan Street, Ashbourne Tel: 01 6914600
Athboy Health Centre, 1/2 The Courtyard, Kildalkey Road, Athboy. Tel: 046 9430166
Ballivor Health Centre, Community Hall, Mullingar Road, Ballivor. Tel: 046 9251560
Bettystown Primary Care Centre, Bettystown Town Centre, Bettystown, Co Meath. Eircode: A92HE2P. Phone: 041 215 2100
Drumconrath Health Centre, Please contact Kingscourt Primary Care Centre Tel: 042 9679800
Dunboyne Health Centre, Dunboyne Tel: 01 8024150
Duleek Health Centre, Navan Road, Duleek. Tel: 041 9823338
Dunshaughlin Health Centre, Main Street, Dunshaughlin. Tel: 01 8024100
Enfield Health Centre, Enfield. Tel: 046 9251580
Johnstown Health Centre, Johnstown, Navan Tel: 046 9076230
Child & Family Centre, Grounds of Our Ladys Hospital, Navan, Co Meath C15 R248. Phone 046 909 8800
Kells Primary Care Centre, Navan Road, Kells. Tel: 046 9251400
Kingscourt Primary Care Centre, Kells Road, Kingscourt, Cavan, A82 R2V8 Tel: 042 967 9800
Nobber Health Centre, Muff, Nobber. Tel: 046 9052238
Oldcastle Health Centre, Oldcastle Tel: 049 8541334
Slane Health Centre, Chapel Street, Slane. Tel: 046 9098833/34
Summerhill Primary Care Centre, New Road, Summerhill. Tel: 046 9544201
Trim Primary Care Centre, Knightsbridge Village, Longwood Road, Trim Phone: 046 942 0800
If you are unable to get in contact with any of the Meath Primary Care Health Centres please contact:
Primary Care Manager,
HSE Meath Local Health Office,
Co Clinic,
Co Meath
Phone: (046) 9021595
Fax: (046) 9022818
On foot of continuing difficulties being experienced by people in Meath after Storm Eowyn, Health Centres and Primary Care Centres will be available to offer charging and will fill a flask with hot water, for clients who have appointments with health service staff in those facilities. So if a client arrives for an appointment, and wishes to charge their phone/appliances in the waiting room and brings a flask, staff will oblige when staff are onsite.
Please note: This is just for clients who have appointments, so that we can offer them some support at this difficult time.