Cardiac Rehabilitation is for people who are recovering from a heart attack, a stent or heart surgery. Once you have been discharged from hospital you will be invited to take part in this programme. Your Cardiologist has recommended that you take part in this programme to help you to recover and get back to as full a life as quickly as possible after your cardiac event.
The first part of CR comprises of information sessions for both you and your family if they wish to attend. These take place on a Monday afternoon from 2pm to 3pm in the CR unit. These sessions cover topics such as heart disease and risk factors, medications, exercise, stress management, diet and entitlements. After that you will be invited to take part in the CR exercise programme to improve your fitness and help you resume your normal activities.
The exercise programme is an 5 to 8 week programme that takes place three times a week in the CR Unit St. Columcilles Hospital or twice a week in Arklow for people who live in that area. Each exercise session lasts for one hour. Depending on the time which has elapsed since your cardiac event, you may be invited to attend the exercise programme straight away, however you will not miss out on the information sessions as these are also provided during the exercise programme.
Benefits of Cardiac Rehabilitation
It will provide you with information about heart disease and risk factors and how best to manage any risk factors that you may have.
Topics discussed during CR include:
- Healthy eating
- Medications
- Stress Management
- CR will help you to increase your physical activity, get fit and active and inform you how to exercise safely and effectively in the future
- It will increase your confidence in your ability to do things
- It will re-evaluate your risk factor profile and give you a continuing plan for a heart healthy future
The Cardiac Rehabilitation Team
The Cardiac Rehab is a multidisciplinary team comprised of the following health professionals.
- Consultant Cardiologist
- Cardiac Rehabilitation Coordinator
- Clinical Nurse Specialists
- Chartered Physiotherapist
- Dietician
- Occupational Therapist
- Pharmacist
- Social Worker
Contact Details
Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) Unit
St Columcilles Hospital
Co Dublin
CR Coordinator: Sophie Charles.
Should you have any queries about the Cardiac Rehab programme and wish to contact the unit
Phone: (01) 211 5153
Useful numbers and websites
Quit Smoking helpline, phone: 1800 201 203
Irish Heart Foundation Helpline: 1890 432 787
Irish Heart Foundation website
Irish Heart Cardiac Rehab Podcast (
Irish Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation - Delivering Cardiac Rehabilitation Across Ireland (