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Re HIQA inspection - Arus Breffni Community Nursing Unit OSV-0000659

Community Healthcare Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Monaghan, Sligo

Arus Breffni Community Nursing Unit is a 25 bedded unit situated in Manorhamilton Town. It is a community based residential service currently accommodating the care needs of the elderly population in North Leitrim. We provide a multi-disciplinary approach to the care of residents through a variety of care pathways based on our philosophy of person centred care where each resident is treated as an individual with dignity and respect.

The inspection took place on January 19th 2024 and the report was published on the HIQA website on 22nd April 2024.

Residents who provided feedback told the inspector that they were very happy living in the centre and that staff could not do enough for them. One residents said '' I feel very much supported here, staff are lovely, friendly and willing to help'' while another resident told the inspector '' I am very happy with the amount of choice and control that I have, there is nothing I would like to change. The centre was clean, bright and tastefully decorated. The centre was tastefully decorated and arranged to meet the needs of the residents.

Residents’ rooms contained sufficient space for them to be to store and access their personal belongings. Many rooms viewed on inspection were personalised by the residents with objects and photographs that were personal to them. There were good levels of governance and oversight in this centre and it was evident that the provider was using information gathered through various methods to continuously improve the quality of service available for the residents.

Residents’ rights and choice were promoted and respected in this centre. Residents were supported to engage in activities that aligned with their interests and capabilities. The care staff adopted the role of activity coordinators in the centre and provided a varied and stimulating activities programme every day such as arts and crafts, quizzes, story-telling, bingo, music session.

Out of the 20 regulations assessed as part of the inspection, 19 regulations were compliant and one was deemed as substantially compliant. There were no areas of noncompliance.

The area of improvement identified in the inspection was related to infection prevention & control. This relates to a piece of equipment. The provider representative and the person in charge completed a review of infection control practices and cleaning of medical equipment within the designated centre on the 19th of January 2024 and has implemented further cleaning schedules.

Melissa Kelly, Acting General Manager for Older Persons Services HSE Community Healthcare CH CDLMS said “The HSE will continue to work to ensure the delivery of high quality, person-centred services to the residents in Arus Breffni Community Hospital.”

Last updated on: 22 / 04 / 2024