HSE HR Circulars 2005

HSE HR Circular 001/05 re Allowances for Psychiatric Nurses working in Community based facilities.pdf (size 8 KB)

HSE HR Circular 002/05 re Nursing and Midwifery Planning and Development Units.pdf (size 7.5 KB)

HSE HR Circular 004/05 re Sponsorship of Student Public Health Nurses.pdf (size 12.7 KB)

HSE HR Circular 005/2005 re Cardiac Allowances.pdf (size 7.8 KB)

HSE HR Circular 007/05 re Revised remunderation arrangements for Programme Directors and Assistant Programme Directors of G.P. Vocational Training Schemes

HSE HR Circular 10/2005 re Sponsorship for Public Health Service Employees wishing to train as Nurses.pdf (size 33.6 KB)

HSE HR Circular 010(b)/2005 re NCHD Registrars (Removal of Bar Point).pdf (size 65.9 KB)

HSE HR Circular 11/2005 re Payment of Fees for Part-time Nursing Degree Courses.pdf (size 68.8 KB)

HSE HR Circular 012/2005 re Provisions relating to the reduction of 600 posts in the Health Sector.pdf (size 73.4 KB)

HSE HR Circular 13/2005 re Review of the Clerical Admin Job Evaluation and other related schemes.pdf (size 65.7 KB)

HSE HR Circular 14/2005 re Financial Support for Nurses/Midwives Returning to Practice.pdf (size 21.8 KB)

HSE HR Circular 15/2005 re Travelling Expenses/Motor Travel Rates.pdf (size 63.9 KB)

HSE HR Circular 17/2005 re Revised Rates for Subsistence Abroad.pdf (size 62.7 KB)

HSE HR Circular 0020/2005 re National Grades/Grade Codes - Standardisation of Arrangements.pdf (size 66.5 KB)

HSE HR Circular 003/05 re Psychiatric Nurses.pdf (size 15 KB)

HR Circular 023/2015 - Shorter Working Year Scheme (to replace Circular 018/2009)

DOHC HR Circular no 22 05 10 21 re PRSAs.pdf (size 154.3 KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 20 - 05 10 20 re Suspension or Reduction of Allowances Pensions.pdf (size 57 KB)

DoHC HR Circular No 21 2005 re Suspension or reduction of allowances.pdf (size 57.3 KB)

DOHC HR Circular No 017 2005 re Subsistence Allowance.pdf (size 58.3 KB)

HR Circular 2005 re Registrars Bar Point Agreement.pdf (size 38.1 KB)

HSEA HR Circular 05 04 15 re NCHDs Registrars.pdf (size 68.8 KB)