PCRS Online Services

The HSE PCRS provides a range of information and transaction services online. Some services are open to all, some are only for Doctors, Dentists, Pharmacists etc, some are for our own staff. Use the links below to access these services

General Services - available to all

Services for hospitals

Services for dental practitioners only

Services for clinical dental technicians

Services for GPs only

Services for optometrists/ophthalmologists only

Services for pharmacists only 

Services for pharmaceutical suppliers 

Services for HSE Local Health Offices only

GP Application Suite

The Primary Care Reimbursement Service launched its GP Application Suite in June 2006 to provide a number of online services for its GP customers.

Since then some 1400 (64%) of contracted GPs have registered to use the system making it possibly the fastest uptake of any service created for GP use in Ireland.

The benefits include

  • Online claim entry
  • Online claim review
  • Full details of all clients on your panel
  • Downloadable, printable panel listing
  • Downloadable, printable itemised listing
  • Early payment on 14th next month for service today

If you have completed the registration process and have downloaded your certificate from PCRS

Information for GPs who wishes to register for the GP Application Suite (PDF)

Relevant Documents

Optical Application Suite

The Primary Care Reimbursement Service launched its Optical Application Suite in June 2006 to provide a number of online services for its Optical customers. Since then some 133 (25%) of contracted Optometrists / Ophthalmologists have registered to use the system.

The benefits include:

  • Online claim entry
  • Online claim review
  • Downloadable, printable itemised listing

If you have completed the registration process and have downloaded your certificate from PCRS

If you are an Optical Contractor who wishes to register for the Optical Application Suite

Dental Application Suite

The Primary Care Reimbursement Service launched its Dental Application Suite in November 2017 to provide a number of online services for General Dental Practitioners. This functionality was developed following collaboration with a group of General Dental Practitioners with proof of concept phase in October 2017.  Phase 1 functionality includes the following benefits:

  • Earlier Access to payments with online claim submission time-period extended to the end of the month and paid the 2nd Thursday of the following month.
  • Reliable Service
  • Real-time confirmation of acceptance of claims and inputting from dental practice directly on to National system.
  • The online facility eliminates rejections and reduces the need to query payments.
  • Access to a dedicated online claim support team.
  • Access to comprehensive reports detailing claims processed for payment.
  • Faster search and retrieval data access

The second phase, currently in development, will deliver the ability for General Dental Practitioners to apply for prior approval online from their Principal Dental Surgeon in 2018 which will improve turnaround time for approval with patients receiving treatment in a more timely fashion.

If you are interested in registering for Phase 1 practices will need to

(a) active DTSS contractors providing a full range of DTSS services and submitting claims for payment 

(b) have access to broadband

(c) meet HSE requirements and have received authorisation from the PCRS to access the DTSS online facility following completion of a security certificate requisition form

(d) have the ability to upload forms.

To complete the registration process you should complete the security Certificate Requisition Form

If you have completed the registration process and have downloaded your certificate from PCRS

Complete the registration process for Itemised Listing access


The Primary Care Reimbursement Service has accepted electronic files from HSE contracted pharmacists for many years. All three Pharmacy Software vendors in the market provide integration with HSE for this purpose. As Of 2007 approx 1300 out of 1600 pharmacists submit claims electronically.

In September 2003 the HSE and participating pharmacy software vendors introduced 2nd generation electronic pharmacy reimbursement. This was the culmination of a collaborative project with the Irish Pharmaceutical Union and pharmacy software vendors.

Since that time hundreds of pharmacies have migrated to the new HSE reimbursement system and now enjoy the following benefits:

  • Support for ZERO Claim Rejects
  • Electronic Submission and Early Pay of LTI Claims
  • Electronic Submission and Early Pay of HiTech Claims
  • Electronic Submission and Early Pay of HAA Claims
  • Integrated Electronic Correction Claims
  • Integrated Electronic Claim Warnings
  • Integrated Electronic Difference In Items Reports
  • Direct Pharmacy to HSE Claim Submission
  • SMS Submission Deadline Reminders
  • SMS Communication in Event of Submission Failure

Please contact a participating pharmacy software vendor for further details on the migration to the next generation of HSE reimbursement systems

Services for HSE staff

The Primary Care Reimbursement Service launched its File Exchange System in 2006 to provide secure reliable electronic file exchange between local health offices and PCRS. All health areas use this system for the following file exchanges.

  • Drugs Payment Scheme File Submission
  • Laminated Card File Submission
  • Ad Hoc File Exchange

If you are a registered HSE user for the file exchange system

If you are a HSE user who requires further information for this service please contact the Primary Care Reimbursement Service on 01-8647100.

Health Repayment Scheme Administrator

Long Stay Repayment Scheme

The Primary Care Reimbursement Service provides a record matching service to the Health Repayment Scheme Administrator providing secure reliable electronic file exchange.

Since the commencement of the Repayment Scheme in Autumn 2006 approximately 21,000 client details have been received and matched in each case against approximately 100 million HSE records.

If you are a registered HRS Scheme Administrator User for the file exchange system