Healthy Eating Resources for Primary School Teachers

Resources for Promoting Healthy Eating

Programmes for Promoting Healthy Eating

Food Dudes is an award-winning curriculum-linked evidence based healthy eating programme, developed to encourage children to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables. It is based on repeated tastings of fresh fruit and vegetables, rewards and positive role models -

School Milk Scheme is subsidised and provides a daily fresh portion of milk to school-going children at a very affordable price.

Incredible Edibles is a healthy eating initiative for Primary School pupils. It encourages schools across the country to get busy growing carrots, lettuce, potatoes, strawberries, turnips and herbs. Schools are supplied with grow packs containing everything they need to grow a veritable feast of healthy foods!

School Meals Scheme is operated by the Department of Social Protection provides funding towards provision of food services in DEIS schools. 

All schools involved in the School Meals Programme are required to adhere to the Nutritional Standards for School Meals.

Supporting Parents in Promoting Healthy Eating

The START campaign is a public awareness campaign for parents that provides advice on healthy snacks, treats, menu planning and a selection of recipes.

The Dental Health Foundation have information and resources with teacher may wish to use, in relation to the oral health. There are postcards and posters with oral health promotion advice and tips (tooth tips and diet tips) for children 2-7, 8-12 and teens 13-17 years old, which are free to order. See the resources section at