Children and Family Services in Cork

Social Work
The Social Work Team in the Local Health Office is responsible for providing support to children and families in the community. This involves Family Support Services. In cases where children are at risk of harm through abuse, Child Protection Social Workers have an important role in providing care, assessment and follow up to those children and their families, through the Fostering and Child Protection Teams. St. Finbarr's Hospital - (021) 492 3001

Audiology Services

Children & Families Services
Community Child Services
Adoption Services (021) 485 8650
Children First Information Dept (021) 4923220
Family Centre (021) 492 3302
St. Finbarr's Hospital Fostering (021) 492 3025
Preschools South Lee (021) 492 3884

Community Paediatric Physiotherapy North and South Lee
Community Paediatric Physiotherapy in North and South Lee is for any babies, toddlers and children aged 0-6 years who need physiotherapy to help improve their movement skills, and so have improved activity and function.

Immunisation is a simple, safe and effective way of protecting your child against certain diseases. Children and young people in Ireland are entitled to certain vaccinations and immunisation services free of charge. These vaccines are provided by your GP, in hospitals, at Health Centres, at home or at school.

For more information on immunisation talk to your GP, Public Health Nurse, or visit -