The vision for children’s disability services
- Easy access to the services children need
- Fairness in providing services
- Families, health services and schools working together to support children in developing their potential
Roadmap for Service Improvement
The Roadmap for Service Improvement 2023 - 2026 Disability Services for Children and Young People is a targeted service improvement programme to achieve a quality, accessible, equitable and timely service for all children with complex needs as a result of a disability and their families. It sets out the overall aim for Children’s Disability Services, provided by the HSE and its partner agencies, that for every child to have a childhood of inclusive experiences where they can have fun, learn, develop interests and skills, and form positive relationships with others in a range of different settings.
Roadmap for Service Improvement 2023 - 2026 (PDF, size 236 KB, 40 pages)
This document and video were prepared to give a brief overview of the Roadmap for children and families. The video and document give a summary of some of the main points in the Roadmap. They explain what children’s disability network teams are, what the Roadmap is about and what the key actions are between 2023 and 2026. It is not designed to replace the full roadmap. Families can read the full Roadmap to get more detailed information.
Roadmap for Service Improvement - Brief Overview (PDF, size 413 KB, 7 pages)
Disability Services for Children and Young People 2023 - 2026 (