First Episode Psychosis Programme

Why would somebody be referred to First Episode Psychosis Programme

First Episode Psychosis is dedicated to people who are experiencing a first episode psychosis. We provide early ongoing support to you, your family and/or carers. We focus on your emotional and developmental needs and in consultation, work closely with family and carers.

If you are between 18-35 with a recent onset of psychosis, we aim to provide you with a meaningful,  effective and positive experience. We aim to support you to maximize your potential and to reduce the impact of severe mental illness.

We work closely with you to provide medical treatment, practical support with daily living and help you understand what you are experiencing. We look at health promotion and your physical needs. We have a focus on social inclusion and will help you access resources in your local community in order to explore leisure, education or vocational interests


How does a person get referred to First Episode in Psychosis?

Referrals are made from the G.P to our service and an appointment will be sent to your home address.


Do I need to bring anything to my first appointment?

If you are currently on prescribed medication a list of current medication may be helpful.


Should I bring somebody else with me?

If you wish to bring someone with you this may also assist in gaining further information on your experience.


Who will I see first?

You will be referred by a consultant psychiatrist and will then be assigned a key worker who will keep in contact with you, be familiar with your circumstances and consult with you regarding treatment options.


What should a I expect on my first visit?

You will receive a comprehensive assessment of your mental health  and social care needs including a risk assessment. Our service will be tailored to your individual needs. Your care will be delivered in your home. You will receive a copy of a comprehensive care plan agreed between you and the team. This care plan will be reviewed regularly.


What kinds of questions will be asked?

You will be asked questions on your current mental state. Circumstances leading to your first episode.


Will other examinations be done?

A physical health check will be done during the first few weeks of your presentation to the sevice.


What happens next?

Your key worker will explain to you any of the planned interventions. Some of the programmes /support and options are listed below:

  • Family Education.
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.
  • Physical Health monitoring.
  • Information on Psychosis including sibling education on psychosis.
  • Information on medication.
  • Practical and emotional support
  • Personal strengths and goals explored.
  • Coping strategies for clients/ family on dealing with positive & negative symptoms of psychosis.
  • Relapse prevention.
  • Communication Skills.
  • Practical assistance e.g organizing medical reviews.
  • Stress or Anxiety Management.
  • Support with social activities?/practical skills/finding work or educational activities.
  • Assistance with accommodation or referral to appropriate services.
  • Intervention provided during crisis period.
  • Information on the Mental Health Act.


What is hoped to be achieved?

The First Episode service should provide a comprehensive tailored package of care which will reduce distress and promote recovery.


How does somebody change an appointment?

You can contact your key worker by phone the above number to change an appointment.


What should I do if I know that I can’t make my appointment?

You can contact via phone the above number to change an appointment.