Information: National Women and Infants Health Programme

Implementing the National Maternity Strategy Model of Care

The Implementation Group for the Model of Care was formed in April, 2018 and is Co-Chaired, Director of Midwifery, Angela Dunne, and Clinical Director, Dr Peter McKenna. Group members are multidisciplinary working in maternity services from both hospital and community settings. 

The Model of Care is made up of three care pathways. Through the Implementation Group, these pathways will be made available across each Maternity Network nationally, providing a suite of maternity choices based on the risk profile and needs of the woman and baby. An individualised approach will be adopted for each woman, particularly where an assessment determines that a woman is a borderline candidate for a particular care pathway, working with each woman to ensure they receive the most appropriate care in the most appropriate setting.

The three care pathways include; 

  • Supported Care Pathway; Midwifery led and delivered care
  • Assisted Care Pathway; Obstetric led, Midwifery and Obstetric delivered care
  • Specialised Care Pathway; Obstetric led, Obstetric and Midwifery delivered care

The Model of Care may be seen in more detail below.

NMS Model of Care

Smoking during Pregnancy, Dr Peter McKenna 

Dr McKenna presented on smoking during pregnancy at the Tobacco Free Ireland Partners Conference on 31st May, 2018 at Farmleigh House, Dublin. 

Watch the Smoking during Pregnancy video (Youtube)