This page is available in other languages:
Ukrainian - Медичні послуги для українців, які прибувають до Ірландії
Russian - Медицинские услуги для украинцев, прибывающих в Ирландию
If you arrive in Ireland from Ukraine, you can get support from the Irish State. This includes a place to stay, financial support (social welfare), the right to work, and healthcare services.
The HSE (Health Service Executive) is Ireland’s public healthcare service.
Keeping well in winter
Services available to you
You will be able to get the same healthcare services as people who live in Ireland.
You will also be able to apply to the HSE for a medical card. You need this card to get some healthcare services free of charge in Ireland.
You will be able to get care from the following:
The HSE is making arrangements for these services to be provided. This will be available in English, Ukrainian and Russian.
About the Irish health system
Система охорони здоров’я в Ірландії
О системе здравоохранения в Ирландии
If you do not speak English
If you do not speak English, tell the medical staff and ask if they can arrange an interpreter for you. In some cases, the hospital or health clinic can provide an interpreter.
Medical card
If you have a medical card, you do not have to pay to see your doctor or pay for medicines your doctor prescribes. You will automatically qualify for a medical card.
You need the following information to apply for a medical card:
- your name, address and date of birth
- Personal Public Service (PPS) number
- GP acceptance and signature - if you do not have a preferred GP, 1 will be assigned to you and your family
A Personal Public Service (PPS) number is a unique reference number that helps you access social welfare benefits, public services and information in Ireland. A PPS number is always 7 numbers followed by 1 or 2 letters.
You will get information about how to get a PPS number at Dublin airport. If you are already in Ireland, go to your local Intreo Centre or Branch Office. Staff will help you to get a PPS number.
Find an Intreo Centre or Branch office
Applying for a medical card
To apply for a medical card:
- Complete the application form - make sure all your information is correct.
- Post the completed form to the National Medical Card Unit, PO Box 11745, Dublin 11, D11 XKF3 or email the completed form to
Download the English application form for the medical card
Download the Ukrainian application form for the medical card
Download the Russian application form for the medical card
If you move address, let us know. You may lose eligibility if you do not keep your contact details up to date.
In a life threatening emergency, call 999 or 112 to ask for an ambulance. These numbers are free to call and work on any phone.
For general information about health services, call the HSE’s contact centre (HSE Live). Our team speak Ukrainian and we’re here Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
Call HSElive on 1800 700 700 or 00 353 1 240 8787 and select option 3.
GP services are usually open from 9am to 6pm on Monday to Friday. If you need urgent medical care outside of these hours, contact an out of hours service.
Find a GP out-of-hours service
More information
The Department of Justice provides more information for Ukrainians who are travelling to Ireland.
Read more information for Ukrainians travelling to Ireland on
Інформація про COVID-19 українською - Ukrainian COVID-19 information
Информация о COVID-19 - Russian COVID-19 information
Find public health guidance and resources on the Health Protection Surveillance Centre website