The HSE provides a broad range of services for older people in our community, including in-patient acute services, step down and convalescent care, day services, rehabilitation, community services, home care and home helps. Hospitals and Homes for Older Persons The public nursing homes and long stay facilities in our area include New Haughton Hospital, New Ross and St. Johns Hospital, Enniscorthy. There are also a large number of private nursing homes registered with the HSE. For a list of the registered private nursing homes in the area call (053) 912 3522. You can also register any comments or complaints about a nursing home at this number.
Hospitals and Homes for Older Persons
New Haughton Hospital, New Ross 051-421266
St. John's Hospital & St. John's Ward Ely Hospital, Enniscorthy 053-9233228
Gorey District Hospital, Gorey 053-9421102
WEXICOP – Wexford Integrated Care for Older Persons
- WEXICOP is a new service that provides assessment and support of older people who are becoming more frail, falling or experiencing a change in their ability to carry out activities of daily living.
- You can ask your GP, RPHN or health care professional to refer you to WEXICOP
- Phone: 053-9232786
- Email:
WEXMASS – Wexford Memory Assessment & Support Service
- WEXMASS is a new service that provides assessment diagnosis and support to people who are developing memory or cognitive issues.
- You can ask you GP to refer you to WEXMASS
- Phone: 053-9259764
- Email:
WEXMTRR – Wexford Memory Assessment & Support Service
- This Occupational Therapy service supports the person with memory loss and their carer.
- Advice can be given about equipment that assists the person, such as pendant alarms, phones, medication reminders and strategies to maximise independence.
- You can self-refer to MTRR – 087 9498079
- Email: