Module 1 - Making connections
The way we communicate is an important factor in how we interact with others, whether we are consulting with patients, interacting with colleagues, or simply having a conversation. The focus of the workshop is to work with participants to enhance their skills required to actively listen to and build rapport with patients and their caregivers.
Making connections (PDF, 1.75 MB, 2 pages)
Patient stories videos
Building the relationship (
Active listening (
Skills card
Building the relationship (PDF, 1.3 MB, 14 pages)
Case study
Building the relationship (
Greetings and introductions (
Nonverbal behaviour (
Involving the patient (
Demonstrating empathy (
Demonstrating empathy using G.I.V.E (
Building the relationship (
Building the relationship (PDF, 1.15 MB, 1 page)
Greetings and Introductions (PDF, 2.4 MB, 1 page)
Active Listening (PDF, 2.8 MB, 1 page)
Nonverbal Behaviour (PDF, 3.6 MB, 1 page)
Building the relationship skills demonstration
Building the relationship skills video (
Building the relationship debrief sheet (PDF, 328 KB, 5 pages)