Making Every Contact Count Framework

The Making Every Contact Count (MECC) website is currently under reconstruction.

The Making Every Contact Count (MECC) Framework is the first step towards implementing this programme which was launched in May 2017.

Making Every Contact Count Framework (PDF)

The Framework sets out:

Model for Making Every Contact Count

The model for Making Every Contact Count is presented as a pyramid with different levels - each level represents an intervention of increasing intensity.

Model for Making Every Contact Count - Pyramid

The process begins at the basic levels of brief advice and brief intervention. In practice, this will mean that all health professionals and healthcare assistants will be trained to a level that enables them to conduct a brief intervention with their patients.

It is envisaged that extended brief interventions will be delivered to:

  • patients requiring more intensive support in their behaviour change efforts 
  • patients who may be self-managing an existing chronic disease

The specialist services are delivered by practitioners who use specialised or advanced approaches to support patients to change behaviour. These services are part of existing clinical pathways for patients and while not the main focus of Making Every Contact Count they are an integral part of a comprehensive model for behaviour change.

In the future, the Making Every Contact Count model will be an integral part of the clinical care pathway for patients.


5 key principles

5 Principles

5-year implementation plan

The 5-year implementation plan with 23 high-level actions will be implemented at strategic and operational levels in the following areas:

  • Leadership
  • Staff engagement, training and support
  • Partnership and cross-sectoral working
  • Monitoring and evaluation

The 23 high-level actions set out what is required by Corporate Divisions and by each Hospital Group and Community Healthcare Organisation to implement Making Every Contact Count.

Implementation Plan Link 5


Implementation Plan Link 3 of 3