What is Paediatric Occupational Therapy?
Paediatric Occupational Therapy helps children and young people with different needs develop skills to perform the purposeful activities that make up everyday life. Occupational Therapy aims to help children be as independent as possible in their everyday lives.
Who can benefit from Primary Care Paediatric Occupational Therapy?
Children and young people who are experiencing any difficulty in performing the daily activities expected of them. This may include any of the following areas:
- Self-care – dressing, toileting, feeding
- Movement and coordination – balance skills, ball skills, hand-eye coordination
- Sensory processing
- Handwriting
- Planning and organising skills at home or school
A National Programme and reconfiguration of Paediatric Services using a new service model called ‘ Progressing Disability Services for Children & Young People’ has commenced across the country. Children who experience complex functional difficulties and require support within a team will be referred to their local Children’s Disability Network Team (CDNT). Children with non-complex functional needs will be seen by Primary Care Services. For more information about this please refer to the PDS Programme.
Who may be referred to Cork Kerry Primary Care Paediatric Occupational Therapy?(Children must meet all of the following criteria)
- Aged 0-18 years
- Experience non-complex functional difficulties in areas such as motor skills, sensory processing and self-care skills
- Live in Cork or Kerry catchment area
- Are not attending the following services: A Cork based Children's Disability Network Team (CDNT), the West Cork Child Development Service (WCCDS) and the Kerry Intervention and Disability Service (KIDS).
Who can refer?
- Parents/Guardians
- Teacher
- Health professionals
- Educational Psychologists
How to make a referral?
- Please complete the Children’s Service Referral Form and, depending on the age of the child, the corresponding Additional Information Form.
- Once complete the Children’s Services Referral form and the Additional Information Form can be forwarded to us by email or by post. Please visit ‘How do I refer’ for this information.
- Please note referrals will only be processed once fully completed forms are received.
What should I expect after a referral is made to the Department?
- Once a referral is received by our Primary Care Paediatric Occupational Therapy departments it will be screened by the Occupational Therapists.
- If the needs outlined on the referral form can be met within our service the referral will be accepted and the child will be placed on our waiting list.
- If the referral is not appropriate to our Primary Care Paediatric Occupational Therapy service it will not be accepted. In some cases advice will be provided if it appears that a referral is required elsewhere.
- Contact will be made with the family when the child is due to be seen for assessment. An appointment will be offered.