St Patrick's Hospital Cashel

St. Patrick’s Hospital provides care for older people in South Tipperary and is run by the HSE

Our purpose is to serve the elderly population of South Tipperary; to provide a first class quality assured residential service to those elderly people who are entrusted into our care.

Our philosophy is to embrace positive ageing and place the elderly person at the centre of all our decisions in relation to the provision of the residential service. We act as the residents advocate and provide a forum for residents to take an active role in relation to decisions of the service. We promote independence, health and well being and aim to provide a safe therapeutic environment where privacy, dignity and confidentiality are respected. With empathy, kindness and a holistic approach, we address physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of the residents.

We encourage individual choice and active participation in care related decisions based on effective communication and information exchange. Involvement of family and friends enrich care and contribute to a happy and homely atmosphere.

We recognise the expertise and valuable contribution of all staff and the importance of teamwork. We strive for excellence. Ongoing learning and development enhance our high standards of care. Research and audit are used to validate and improve practice.


St. Patrick’s Hospital provides the following services:

Continuing Care


Respite Care

All residents are admitted under the guidance of our Admission and Discharge policy where all admissions are pre-planned. All residents are assessed prior to admission and are prioritised according to their individual needs by the interdisciplinary team. The accommodation in the hospital consists of multiple bays of four, six or eight beds in each ward. There are single rooms (limited in number) which are used for infection control.

Each ward is bright and relatively spacious with televisions and DVD facilities.

There are numerous leisure and recreation activities available if any resident wishes to attend. These include:

Music/physical activities

Art Therapy

Diversional Therapy

Board Games


Seasonal events

The services of Hairdresser and Barber are offered to all residents. Cost of this service is payable by the resident.

There is a chapel onsite with Mass daily which can be viewed on all televisions throughout the hospital for those who are unable to attend Mass themselves.


St. Patrick’s Hospital is funded by the HSE and Nursing Home Support Scheme.

We endeavour to ensure that best practise in keeping with HSE regulations will be adopted in handling pensions, pension contributions and pension books.

1.     The resident will be provided with Nursing Care within a comfortable and homely environment. A registered nurse will be on duty at all times, supported by a number of carers. Your room area will be based in a multiple bay and there are shower facilities adjacent to these areas. Occupational activities are offered and televisions are provided in rooms as well as the dayrooms for residents use.

2.     Not covered by the fees is hairdresser/barber, dry cleaning or items purchased from the mobile shop.

3.     The hospital provides a limited space for the resident’s personal property, e.g. small personal items and personal clothes. We would encourage residents to keep jewellery and other belongings, and monies in the ward safe.


The Person in Charge shall reserve the right to:

1.     Restrict visiting in times of illness or distress or under the direction of the GP where this is the best interest of the resident.

2.     Transfer the resident to an alternative hospital in the event of the resident needing emergency treatment with the knowledge and consent of the resident and or next of kin.

3.     If, in the interest of the resident, the Director of Nursing deems beneficial to move the resident to a different room or area then the resident and /or family or representatives will be consulted in advance where feasible.

The Resident or Representative undertake to:

1.     Permit the person in Charge to carry out their duties for the benefit and welfare of the resident in accordance with appropriate legislation.

2.     Observe the visiting times and hours detailed in the hospital visiting policy.

3.     Pay all fees and service charges invoiced and which are payable according to the schedule of fees in force.

4.     Inform the Person in Charge of any intention by the resident to leave the hospital and the duration of the resident's absence.

5.     Give reasonable notice to the Person in Charge if there is intention to leave the hospital permanently.

General Conditions:

1.     All medications must be handed in on admission. Relatives and visitors should not bring in medications, food or alcohol, herbal or homeopathic preparations, without consulting the Person in Charge.

2.     All clothing should be clearly marked and/or labelled with the resident's name.

3.     Smoking arrangements and alcohol requirements shall be a matter to be agreed between the Person in Charge and the Resident or their Representative.

4.     The fees charged shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined in the schedule of fees in force.

5.     The Persons in Charge are available by appointment to discuss any comments, suggestions or requests regarding Resident comfort and care.

Read National Quality Standards for Residential Care Settings for Older People