ACCES - Directions, Opening Hours and Contact Numbers

If you are homeless, have a severe and enduring mental health diagnosis, are between 18-65 and live in CHO7 (or have links with the area), you can ask your GP, hostel manager or addiction support worker to refer you to our team. 

We are based in Parkgate Hall, 6-9 Conyngham Road, Dublin 8.  This is the red-brick building across from the entrance to the Phoenix Park (Parkgate St entrance).  We are a HSE team located in a Dublin City Council building. 

We are open Monday-Friday between 8am to 4.30pm.

The office number is 01-7036158.

Depot clinic: Our depot clinic is on Tuesday mornings from 10am to 1pm in Parkgate Hall.

Outpatient Clinic: Our outpatient clinic runs Monday to Wednesday by appointment only.