HSE Best Practice Guidance for Mental Health Services Training Programme.
The launch of the HSE Best Practice Guidance for Mental Health Services is supported by an extensive training programme. There are three modules within the training programme.
- Module 1 is designed to Introduce You to the HSE Best Practice Guidance for Mental Health Services and it is aimed and public, service users, carers, family member and staff within the health services. This module can be accessed on HSELand. A section of this training is also available @(whiteboard link ). Please take the time to complete this short training module.
- Modules 2 and 3 will be delivered face to face to selected participants. Module 3 training is The Training and Development of Quality Champions in Mental Health Services (Training of Trainers Programme). This is a five day training programme to equip the Quality Champions to support self assessment teams and meet the best practice guidance and support the services in their Community Health Organisation to meet regulatory requirements.
- The Quality Champions will deliver a one day Self Assessment Training Module 2, to enable teams to complete a self assessment against the HSE Best Practice Guidance for Mental Health Services.
Each CHO has a nominated Best Practice Guidance Coordinator. Their role is to support and mentor Quality Champions with the implementation of BPG.