Paediatric Diabetes Programme General Principles in the Management of Children with Diabetes Requiring SurgeryNational Clinical Guideline Annual review and Co-morbidity Screening in Type 1 Paediatric DiabetesNational Clinical Guideline Management of Continuous Glucose Monitoring for Children Type 1 DiabetesRelated FilesModel of Care for All Children and Young People with Type 1 DiabetesFormat:PDF|File Size:1.8MB Management of Paediatric Diabetic KetoacidosisFormat:PDF|File Size:699KB Meeting the Care Needs of Primary School Children with Type 1 Diabetes during School HoursFormat:PDF|File Size:2.29MB Paediatric Type 1 Diabetes Resource PackPaediatric Diabetes Resource Pack Version 2 November 2021Format:PDF|File Size:2.74MB National Clinical Guideline Annual review and Co-morbidity Screening in Type 1 Paediatric DiabetesFormat:PDF|File Size:782KB National Clinical Guideline Management of Continuous Glucose Monitoring for Children Type 1 DiabetesFormat:PDF|File Size:586KB General Principles in the Management of Children with Diabetes Requiring SurgeryFormat:PDF|File Size:734KB Care of the Child Newly Diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes without DKAFormat:PDF|File Size:605KB Identification and Management of Hypoglycaemia in Children with Type 1 DiabetesFormat:PDF|File Size:551KB Management of Paediatric Type 1 Diabetes Patient who did not attendFormat:PDF|File Size:364KB Management of Paediatric Type 1 Diabetes Patient with a HbA1c greater than 9%Format:PDF|File Size:521KB Management of Paediatric Type 1 Diabetes Patient with an intercurrent illnessFormat:PDF|File Size:648KB In this section Model of Care Programme Documents & Resources Programme News Paediatric Diabetes Programme Paediatric Type 1 Diabetes Resource Pack and Translations Paediatric Early Warning Score (PEWS)