
The aim of the National Clinical Programme for Surgery (NCPS) is to provide a framework for the delivery of safer, more timely, accessible, more cost-effective and efficient care for all surgical patients.

The NCPS works closely with the other clinical programmes, notably the National Clinical Programme for Anaesthesia but also the Acute and Emergency Medicine, and Critical Care programmes.

NCPS also works with other clinical programmes, hospitals, hospital groups, specialty bodies, patient advocacy groups and all relevant stakeholders across the health system.

NCPS core principles

  • Improvement should be designed to give patient improved access to surgical services.
  • Targeted at having the greatest impact on waiting lists through focused capacity creation.
  • A partnership with the hospitals and hospital groups to develop and implement the capacity to positively impact on waiting lists.
  • Specialty focused so improvements will be data-driven and evidence-based.
  • Ensure that all programmes are in line with Sláintecare in ensuring that care pathways are integrated between primary care and acute hospital care.

Please visit for more information on the NCPS work streams including NQAIS Clinical and Transforming Theatre Programme, toolkits and resources, and publications.