Clinical Matters

Clinical matters in relation to addiction are overseen by the HSE National Clinical Lead for Addiction Services, based in the HSE National Social Inclusion Office. For specific clinical information on HSE National Social Inclusion Programmes, please click on the links below;

Opioid Substitute Treatment (OST)


Pharmacy Needle Exchange


Online Drug and Alcohol Directory

The National Online Directory of Drug and Alcohol Services is a directory of all drug and alcohol services and specialist treatment programmes in Ireland. It is aimed at the public or professionals who may need to find the most appropriate services for themselves, family members or clients.

Emerging Drug Trends and New Psychoactive Substances


Article on the clinical features and management of GHB withdrawal: Deborah L Zvosec, PhD & Stephen W Smith, MD. .Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB) withdrawal and dependence. 2022.

Poster by the Chemsex Working Group for Chemsex Forum Paris.pdf (size 2.8 MB) This poster provides information in relation to the abuse of GHB and treatment options.

International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction:'The Experience and Meaning of Problematic ‘G’ (GHB/GBL) Use in an Irish Context: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis' (2017)

International Journal of Drug Policy: 'Chemsex, risk behaviours and sexually transmitted infections among men who have sex with men in Dublin, Ireland' (2018)

Drug use in the night-time economy

Killeen, N., Corrigan, N., and Keenan, E (2023). The HSE ‘Safer Nightlife’ Programme 2022 Volunteer feedback on the provision of harm

International Journal of Mental Health Addiction: Health and Social Problems Associated with Recent Novel Psychoactive Substance (NPS) Use Amongst Marginalised,Nightlife and Online Users in Six European Countries (2017)

European Monitoring Centre - Drug Checking as a Harm Reduction tool for recreational drug users: opportunities and challenges.pdf (size 276 KB)

Dr Eamon Keenan, Nicki Killeen, and the Emerging Drug Trends and Drug Checking Working Group Report 

Drug use, harm-reduction practices and attitudes toward the utilisation of drug safety testing services in an Irish cohort of festival-goers 

HSE review of nightlife drug use, responses and communications 

A Systematized Review of Drug-checking and Related Considerations for Implementation as a Harm Reduction Intervention

Drug use, harm-reduction practices and attitudes toward the utilisation of drug safety testing services in an Irish cohort of festival-goers

Psychological Issues

Does an adapted dialectical behaviour therapy skills training programme result in positive outcomes for participants with a dual diagnosis? A mixed methods study.

"Debt in Me Head" A Qualitative Study of the Experience of Teenage Cannabis Users in Treatment (2019)


HIV outbreaks among people who inject drugs in Europe, North America and Israel (Lancet, 2020)

Impact of COVID-19 & Response Measures on HIV-HCV Prevention Services and Social Determinants in People Who Inject Drugs in 13 Sites with Recent HIV Outbreaks in Europe, North America and Israel