Mental Health

 The HSE funds a range of mental health supports and services for the Traveller Community

  • Traveller Counselling Service provides a culturally inclusive counselling service to members of the Traveller community. To make an appointment call: +353 86 308 1476. Email:
  • The National Traveller Mental Health Service Exchange House provides a range of Traveller-specific mental health and suicide prevention services to the community. They also provide direct mental health support including psychotherapy and Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) to Travellers who are experiencing mental health issues.
  • Mind Your Nuck aims to support the mental health of young Travellers. The website also signposts to services.
  • Pavee 50808 Young Travellers can access support from PAVEE 50808 Crisis Volunteers any time and anywhere. A Crisis Volunteer will listen and support young Travellers to stay safe.