Assistive Technology and Dementia

What is Assistive Technology?

With the right supports and equipment, a person living with dementia can be supported to live in their own home. 

Assistive technology can be a product, gadget or system that helps with memory and recall. It promotes independence, helps manage risks and can assist in making the person living with dementia feel safe in their own home. Assistive technology can be a very simple product and it can also be a great technical gadget.

Examples of Assistive Technology equipment include;

  • Memory aids; e.g. medication reminders and voice recorders to record your own reminder messages
  • Orientations aids; e.g. electronic clocks that can help you keep track of time/day/month
  • Safety devices; e.g. night lights with sensors that will automatically turn on as you pass them and personal alarms
  • Communication aids; e.g. easy to use a landline and mobile phones
  • Other devices; e.g. easy to use TV remote controls and talking photo albums.

How can I find out more about Assistive Technology?

There are currently 29 Memory Technology Resource Rooms in Ireland. These rooms are for people who would like to know more about products and devices which can help manage memory difficulties.

Find out more about Assistive Technology and the role of Memory Technology Resource Rooms

The Alzheimer Society of Ireland has a booklet below on Assistive Technology. 

This booklet will give practical information on the different type of assistive technologies that are available. A free copy of this booklet can be obtained by ringing 1800 341 341.