Primary Childhood Immunisation Programme

Decline in uptake of primary childhood immunisations

There has been a decline in the uptake of primary childhood immunisations in many countries in Europe including Ireland, particularly since the COVID-19 pandemic. Declines in immunisation coverage is a real concern, leaving young children vulnerable to vaccine preventable diseases, and leading to a risk of outbreaks.

We have developed a toolkit to support GPs and Practice Nurses to maximise uptake of childhood immunisations in your practice.

Download the toolkit (size 2.6 MB) - it contains

Please note you will be leaving when you click the social media links above.

Suggested social media messages

  • Your baby needs five visits to complete their primary childhood immunisation schedule. Make an appointment with your GP practice today. Find out more at #KeepVaccinating
  • Getting your baby vaccinated is a safe and effective way to protect them from serious diseases. Make an appointment with your GP practice today. Learn more at #KeepVaccinating
  • Getting your baby vaccinated on time is the best way to protect them from serious diseases when they are older. Make an appointment with your GP practice today. Learn more at #KeepVaccinating
  • Don't delay getting your baby vaccinated. The routine vaccines for your baby are free and will help protect them from infectious diseases. So make an appointment with your GP practice today. Learn more: #KeepVaccinating

Suggested social media graphics - Right click on the image and select save image to download the image

Primary childhood Immunisation Schedule

  Instagram Twitter
Introduction IG Story (1) Twitter PCI (1)
2 Months IG Story (2) Twitter PCI (2)
4 Months IG-Story-(3)_11zon Twitter PCI (3)
6 Months IG-Story-(4)_11zon Twitter PCI (4)
12 Month IG Story (5) Twitter PCI (5)
13 Months IG Story (6) Twitter PCI (6)
Vaccine abbreviations IG-Story-(7)_11zon Twitter PCI (7)




5 visits

5 visits option 1  

5 visits option 2

Twitter 5 Visits Option 1  

Twitter 5 visits option 2

Don't delay your babies vaccines


Dont delay option 2

Twitter dont delay option 1    

Twitter dont delay option 2

Getting your baby vaccinated on time




Vaccinated on time Option 4

Make an appointment

Make an appointment option 1  


Twitter make appt option 1  


Vaccines for your baby Vaccines for your baby Option 1 Twitter Vaccines for your baby option 1  

Health professionals information materials

You can read or download our PowerPoint presentation (size 265 KB) on the schedule or visit our Conferences page for more training materials

Parent information 

This page was updated on 18 January 2024