Referral Forms: CAMHS, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

To access a CAMHS service you need to be referred by your GP.

Community CAMHS Referral Form (PDF)

Inpatient CAMHS Referral Form (PDF)

CAMHS Individual Care Plan (docx)

eReferral Guidance for CAMHS

The purpose of this document is to outline how Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) can move to provide the use of eReferral to their services. This guide explains the known benefits of moving towards eReferrals, how to establish Healthlink (the HSE’s eReferral system) within your services and how to proactively communicate with referrers to let them know you are providing this pathway.

The document also looks at how services can safely integrate eReferrals and continue to manage referrals efficiently and appropriately.

eReferral video-

eReferral Guidance for CAMHS (PDF)