HSE HR Circulars 2009

HSE HR Circular 01/2009 re Employment Control Framework 2009.pdf (size 86.6 KB)

HSE HR Circular 02/2009 re Managing Attendance Policy.pdf (size 175.4 KB)

HSE HR Circular 03/2009 re Extended Working Day Week.pdf (size 82.9 KB)

HSE HR Circular 004/2009 re Long Service Increment.pdf (size 31.3 KB)

HSE HR Circular 05/2009 re Standardisation of Terms and Conditions of Employment

HSE HR Circular 005A-2009 Standardisation of Terms Conditions of Employment.pdf (size 29.6 KB)

Grade Codes encompassed by HSE HR Circulars 005/2009

HSE HR Circular 006/2009 re Payment of Arbitration Award to Consultants in Emergency Medicine.pdf (size 67.6 KB)

HSE HR Circular 007/2009 re Domestic Subsistence Allowances.pdf (size 37.4 KB)

HSE HR Circular 008/2009 re Motor Travel Rates.pdf (size 43.5 KB)

HSE HR Circular 009/2009 re Subsistence Allowances Abroad.pdf (size 331.9 KB)

HSE HR Circular 010/2009 re Moratorium on Recruitment.pdf (size 67.7 KB)

HSE HR Circular 011/2009 re Allowance for Advanced Paramedics.pdf (size 565.2 KB)

HSE HR Circular 012/2009 re Implementation of Recommendations of Report on the Prevention of Transmission of Blood Borne Diseases in the Health Care Setting.pdf (size 1.9 MB)

HSE HR Circular 013/2009 re Revised Salary Scales for Medical Consultants.pdf (size 721.2 KB)

HSE HR Circular 014/2009 re Revised Procedural Arrangements for Appointment of Medical Consultants.pdf (size 1.2 MB)

HSE HR Circular 015/2009 regarding Moratorium on Recruitment and Promotions in the Public Services.pdf (size 67.9 KB)

HSE HR Circular 016/2009 re Incentivised Scheme of Early Retirement.pdf (size 75 KB)

HSE HR Circular 017/2009 re Special Incentive Career Break Scheme.pdf (size 79.5 KB)

HSE HR Circular 018/2009 re Shorter Working Year Scheme.pdf (size 53.3 KB)

HSE HR Circular 019/2009 regarding Sponsorship for nurses wishing to undertake the Graduate Certificate Professional Practice.pdf (size 1.3 MB)

HSE HR Circular 019A/2009 Sponsorship for Nurses wishing to undertake the Graduate Certificate Professional Practice: Paediatric Intensive Care Nursing Programme (LSBU).pdf (size 1.3 MB)

HSE HR Circular 020/2009 regarding Sponsorship of Nursing/Midwifery Third Level Education Initiatives,.pdf (size 1.8 MB)

HSE HR Circular 021/2009 re Out of Hours Service, Public Health Doctors (PHDs).pdf (size 380.1 KB)

HSE HR Circular 022/2009 Clinical Directors Allowance.pdf (size 462 KB)

HSE HR Circular 023/2009 Subsistence Allowances Abroad.pdf (size 114.7 KB)

HSE HR Circular 024/2009 Foreign Travel Policy Guidelines 2009.pdf (size 46.6 KB)

HSE HR Circular 025/2009 re Domestic Subsistence Allowances.pdf (size 35.9 KB)

HSE HR Circular 026/2009 re Motor Travel Rates.pdf (size 223.1 KB)

HSE HR Circular 027/2009 re Report No. 42 Review Body on Higher Remuneration in the Public Service Sanction for application of pay increase to the grade of Specialist in Orthodontics.pdf (size 29 KB)

HSE HR Circular 028/2009 re sanction for application of pay increase to the grades of Directors of Public Health Medicine and Specialists in Public Health Medicine.pdf (size 239.9 KB)

HSE HR Circular 029/2009 Re Code of Standards and Behaviour.pdf (size 37.4 KB)

HSE HR Circular 030/2009 re Arrangements for Undergraduate Nursing/Midwifery Students undertaking the continuous thirty six week internship.pdf (size 393.1 KB)

Department of Health & Children Circulars

DoHC Circular 06/2009 re Revised Salary Scales for Medical Consultants.pdf (size 19.7 KB)

DoHC Circular No 06a/2009 re Consultant Salary Scales April v2.pdf (size 46.5 KB)