Grievance Procedure for the Health Service May 2004

Health service employers are committed to promoting and maintaining good employee relations and fostering the commitment and morale of staff. The purpose of this procedure is to enable employees to raise any complaints concerning work-related matters so that the issue may be addressed promptly and as close as possible to the point of origin without disruption to patient/client care.

The Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures for the Health Services Executive were produced following discussion between the HSEA and Health Services trade Unions. These procedures have been prepared in accordance with the Labour Relations Commission’s Code of Practice on Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures.

Each employer is required to reproduce these procedures and specify the management levels which will be responsible for operating the various stages.

These procedure are effective from 1st May 2004 and supercedes all existing local procedures.

See Grievance Procedure for the Health Service to read the procedures.