Pulmonary Rehab Videos

The video-based Pulmonary Rehabilitation Education support programme consists of 14 videos that cover a range of topics including breathing exercises, oxygen therapy, nutrition and psychological supports for people to promoting Self-Management and coping skills for people living with a major chronic disease.

These videos were developed as accessing all 14 professions in a face-to-face setting can be difficult. 

Pulmonary rehabilitation video programme

1. Introduction to pulmonary rehabilitation

2. Experience from someone who has completed a course of pulmonary rehabilitation

3. Nutrition and pulmonary rehabilitation - the role of healthy eating and good nutrition to help fight infections 

4. Planning for a future with a chronic illness, being aware of choices and involved in decision making with family and carers

5. Pulmonary rehabilitation and occupational therapy - promoting energy conservation, managing fatigue and activities of daily living

6. Oxygen therapy -  advice and reminders for those prescribed this treatment

7. Managing medications- knowing about your medications, making a medications list- includes inhalers

8. Coping with breathlessness and Airway clearance techniques –  techniques and advice on managing shortness of breath and clearing phlegm from lungs

9. Speech and language therapy some people with lung disease can have issues with communication and swallow and voice.

10. Smoking cessation -  benefits in quitting and ways to do it

11.Self-Management- different techniques to learn to manage own condition

12. Pulmonary Rehabilitation and the pelvic floor  -  techniques to manage bladder leakage 

13. Medical social work and respiratory conditions – how illness affects people and, changes to help cope with chronic illness

14. Minding my mental health; importance of mental health with chronic disease, behaviours, triggers, cognitive behavioural model