Contact Us: Older People National Clinical Programme

Geriatric Care Team

Your GP may refer you to a geriatrician for review. A geriatrician is a medical doctor who specialises in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease and disability in older adults.

Geriatricians are concerned with health problems that frequently affect older adults, such as pain, falls, memory loss, incontinence (involuntary loss of urine) and medication side effects. Another important aspect of geriatric medicine is evaluating an older patient's ability to care for themselves (e.g., prepare and eat meals, bathe, dress).

Geriatricians focus on all aspects of health care and work as part of a health care team to address issues that affect the older person. Healthcare professionals who work with geriatricians include nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, pharmacists, dietitians and psychiatrists, amongst others. This makes up the multi-disciplinary team. This team focuses on many aspects of the patient's health and life, including his or her social support (e.g., spouse, children, other relatives), living conditions and home life and community.

Geriatricians provide care in a number of settings including hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation centres, day hospitals and outpatient clinics and work closely with GPs in the community.

The National Clinical Programme for Older People (NCPOP) Team

Clinical Lead – Prof Graham Hughes
Programme Manager - Helen Whitty
Director of Nursing Older Persons Services, ONMSD & NCPOP – Deirdre Lang
Health and Social Care Professions Clinical Advisor, Older Persons, HSCP Office & NCPOP - Catherine Devaney

If you have any queries about the work of the programme please contact us on

Please note the clinical program is not directly involved in providing a service to patients and their families.

Please contact your GP for further information