National Dementia Education Programme

The HSE National Dementia Education Programme

The HSE National Dementia Education Programme have developed resources for nurses and other healthcare staff who care for people with dementia. The resources are all evidence based and ensure that services are underpinned by a person centred model. This approach can be taken in the home, community based care or a hospital setting.

The materials include a staff E-Learning Programme on early identification of memory problems in the older person, Dementia Champions Programme, an information booklet for home care workers, a CD for community based workers and information posters on the differentiation between depression, dementia and delirium for use in a particular in hospital setting.

National dementia education programmes in Ireland, spanning all care groups and areas of work, will now ensure that a dementia service is underpinned by a person centred model. Following recent research and reports into dementia care these resources have been developed using the evidence base in this area and at all times ensuring that the services are underpinned by a person centred model. This approach can be taken in all care settings, whether in the home, community based care or a hospital setting.  

Dementia Elevator

Dementia Elevator is an education and empowerment programme developed by DCU and the HSE (with the support of Atlantic Philanthropies) to help individuals, communities and health systems engage appropriately with people with dementia. Elevator focuses on ability, rather than disability and takes a person-centred approach to dementia care. The main aims of the programme are to

  • Give people the skills they need to support ageing in place for people with dementia
  • Challenge the way society thinks about dementia
  • Provide opportunities for people who are interested in dementia to move up to the next level of education and skill.

Elevator has developed a range of training programmes for people working in health care services, some of which will be freely available online. The work of the project has been informed by the Elevator Irish National Dementia Educational Needs Analysis (2014). For more information click DEMENTIA ELEVATOR website.

Dementia Elevator's short dementia awareness video


HSeLanD is the Health Services e-Learning and Development service and contains over 130 online learning programmes, resources, assessment and planning tools including:

  • Assessment in the Care of Older Persons
  • Early Identification of Memory Problems in Older Person
  • Prevention and Physiotherapy Management of Falls in Older People
  • Advocacy for Older People in Residential Care