Memory Assessment Support Services (MASS)


The nine Memory Assessment Support Services (MASS) are a new and innovative development. Funding was received for the development of the MASS sites under the National Service Plan 2021 and 2022. The MASS sites are currently in development and as of yet not operational. The MASS model is outlined in the draft dementia model of care. 

The MASS is a space where a comprehensive assessment is carried out by the multi-disciplinary team (MDT) where there is concerns about suspected dementia or a mild cognitive impairment. Importantly the MASS also provides post-diagnostic support and follow up through (i) a specialist dementia post-diagnostic service and (ii) a brain health service; with a comprehensive care and support plan developed for each individual. Further funding is being sought to fund the development of additional MASS in other areas, this includes uplifting existing memory clinics to become a MASS.

People are referred to the MASS by either their GP or colleagues from the secondary care services. The MASS also accepts referrals into the pathway for brain health and post diagnostic support services (PDS) for those diagnosed in other services such as primary care, older persons, neurology, psychiatry of old age services and the regional specialist memory clinics ensuring equal access to services.

The MASS post diagnostic service will provide personalised assessment, risk reduction intervention, care planning, referral PDS intervention and arrange a point of contact and follow up. Attendance at this service will provide an opportunity for the person to discuss any concerns following their diagnosis and for the MDT to provide further therapeutic interventions alongside information and guidance.

The MASS staffing is made up of the following posts

  1. Consultant
  2. Registrar
  3. Advanced nurse practitioner
  4. Clinical Nurse Specialist
  5. Neuro Psychologist
  6. Occupational Therapist
  7. Neuro Radiologist
  8. Speech and Language therapist
  9. Dietician
  10. Clerical support
  11. Social Worker