[Lab Home Page] | [Biochemistry] | [Haematology] | [Microbiology] | [Histology] | [Blood Transfusion]|[Haemovigilance]
Please note: As of May 2019 the following applies to Supply of Laboratory Stores:
- Internal supplies for UHW are fulfilled by Laboratory Stores UHW
- Supplies for external locations; GP practices, nursing homes hospitals etc are fulfilled by Cruinn Diagnostics Ltd.
- An appropriate requisition form is required as follows:
Hospital Supplies (Internal Requistions):
All wards and clinics within UHW must complete requisition form WRH-PATH-LF-102 (link only accessible from within UHW)
- Theatre and X-Ray Departments should use individual requisition form below
- Hospital supplies are issued on Fridays only and must be collected on Friday afternoon.
- Ward staff must make suitable arrangements for their collection
- Please rotate stock to avoid wastage of resources.
External Supplies
Complete requisition form WRH-PATH-LF-101 and forward to Cruinn Diagnostics Ltd.
- Orders are fulfilled by Cruinn Diagnostics Ltd. directly
- DO NOT SEND to Laboratory Supplies, UHW as order will not be processed.
- All supply orders received before 12pm will be received the following working day.
- Please rotate stock to avoid wastage of resources
Types of specimen containers
Vacutainer Sample Bottles
- Cap Colour: Yellow Clotted Anticoagulant: (No Anticoagulant) Test: All serum tests
- Cap Colour: Grey Anticoagulant: Flouride Oxalate Test: Blood Glucose
- Cap Colour: Purple Anticoagulant: E.D.T.A Test: FBC/ESR
- Cap Colour: Green Anticoagulant: Lithium Heparin Test: Plasma tests
- Cap Colour: Blue Anticoagulant: Sodium Citrate Test: Coagulation tests
- Cap Colour: Pink Anticoagulant: E.D.T.A Test: X Match
Paediatric Sample Bottles
- Cap Colour: Clear Anticoagulant: (No Anticoagulant) Test: All serum tests
- Cap Colour: Yellow Anticoagulant: Flouride Oxalate Test: Blood Glucose
- Cap Colour: Red Anticoagulant: E.D.T.A Test: FBC/ESR
- Cap Colour: Orange Anticoagulant: Lithium Heparin Test: Plasma tests
- Cap Colour: Green Anticoagulant: Sodium Citrate Test: Coagulation tests
- Cap Colour: Pink Anticoagulant: E.D.T.A Test: X Match
Other Containers
- Heparinised Syringe: Blood Gases
- 24 Hour Urine Container: 24 Hour Urine
Microbiology Specimen Containers
- Containers: Boric Acid Container (Red Top) Tests/Specimens: Urine (Microscopy Culture) Urinary Antigen (Legionnella/Pneumococcal)
- Containers: Sterile Universal (polypropylene) 30ml Tests/Specimens: CSF, Aspirates, Sterile fluids, Catheter tips, Pus samples, Sputa, BAL
- Containers: 250 ml Sterile Universal (polypropylene) Tests/Specimens: Early Morning Urine (TB)
- Containers: Sterile Universal (with Spoon) Tests/Specimens: Faeces/ Stool
- Containers: Amplicor Swab (Chlamydia) Tests/Specimens: Chlamydia PCR
- Containers: Amies Transport Swab (Blue top) Tests/Specimens: All Wounds, Genital specimens MRSA/VRE screens. Upper respiratory Tract specimens.
- Containers: High Nasal/Pernasal (Blue top wire shaft) Tests/Specimens: Pertussis
- Containers: ENT Swab (orange top charcoal) Tests/Specimens: Inner Ear/Sinus Swab
- Containers: Viral Transport Medium (Pink top) Tests/Specimens: Viral Culture
Blood Culture Bottle Sets
- Colour: Blue and Purple Blood Culture: Aerobic/Anaerobic
- Colour: Green and purple Blood Culture: Fan Aerobic/Anaerobic
- Colour: Yellow Blood Culture: Paediatric
Further information on the specimen containers for specific tests is available in the test library at the base of the Laboratory home page
Request Forms
The Laboratory has a number of different request forms. These are used for the different pathology department/sections.
When sending blood samples to the laboratory separate request forms are required for:
- Autoantibodies
- Biochemistry
- Blood Transfusion
- Haematology
- Histology
- Microbiology
- Serology