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Service Description
The Haematology laboratory provides a diagnostic service for University Hospital Waterford, and patients in Waterford, Wexford, Carlow, Kilkenny and South Tipperary.
The Haematology Laboratory UHW is located on the ground floor of the Pathology Department, University Hospital Waterford.
This laboratory provides diagnostic investigations in general haematology, coagulation, haematinics and specialised areas.
Approximately 2000 FBC samples and 250 coagulation samples are processed in the lab each day in addition to: ESRs, Infectious Mononucleosis screens, Blood Film Reviews, Haematinic Assays and Malaria, Sickle Cell and Kleihauer screening. Special coagulation investigations are also provided. Some specialised investigations not performed at UHW are routed through the Haematology Lab to external laboratories.
For information on tests available outside of routine hours, see details below regarding the Haematology Lab On Call/Out of Hours service.
Dr. Brian Hennessy, Dr Ezzat El Hassadi, Dr Senthil Kumar and Dr Ahmed Bannaga Consultant Haematologists provide a clinical haematology service for the HSE South East Region and have a number of inpatient/day-ward beds at UHW as well as weekly outpatient clinics.
Clinical and laboratory advice is provided by the Haematology Medical staff to hospitals and general practitioners. They are also responsible for authorising the release of Haematology reports.
Contact details
- General Enquires (e.g. Test Results) , 051-842475 (09.30hrs-16.30hrs)
- Conor Crotty, Chief Medical Scientist, 051-842615 or Ext:2615
- Tamar Jayawardene, Quality Officer, 051-848905
- Dr Brian Hennessy, Consultant Haematologist 051-848746 or Ext:8746
- Dr Senthil Kumar, Consultant Haematologist 051-842556 or Ext:2556
- Dr. Ezzat El Hassadi, Consultant Haematologist 051-842104 or Ext:2104
- Dr Ahmed Bannaga, Consultant Haematologist, via main hospital switchboard 051840000
- Haematology Registrar, 051-848206
Specimen labelling and completion of request forms
For accurate identification of specimens it is essential that all samples be labelled properly and that request forms are filled out clearly and accurately referring to Completing the request form and labelling the specimen.
In the interest of patient safety, samples that do not meet these minimum sample identification requirements cannot be accepted for analysis.
Haematology "On-Call" Service
Medical Scientists working in the Haematology Laboratory provide an out of hours Haematology Service. The following tests are available on call in Haematology Laboratory
- Coagulation Screen
- D-Dimers
- Malaria Screen
If any of the tests below are required on call the requesting doctor must contact the on-call consultant haematologist
- Kleihauer
- Special Coaguation
Request and consent forms and information on special requests
Malaria Screen Request Form
Haemochromatosis Consent Form
UHW Thrombophilia Lupus Anticoagulant Antiphospholipid Antibodies Request Form
Haematology Lab UHW Thrombophilia testing Guidelines
St James's Haemoglobinopathy Request Form
Consent Form UHW Factor V Leiden
Combined Bone Marrow Aspirate Request Forms
Test Library (search by Test name)
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
How to make a blood film