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Reports of Results
Laboratory results are provided to requesting clinicians and designated nominees as per Laboratory policy on the reporting of results.
For GDPR and data security results (where possible) results are provided via electronic means (Healthlink, Lab Web Enquiry, other electronically interfaced systems etc.
Some locations are provided with printed copies of results. Access to results from specific disciplines (n.b. Histology) is granted on the principle of least privilege.
All requests for access must be sent to the Laboratory IT team via lab.systemUHW@hse.ie
Guides to interpretation of results are also issued on some reports. If further clinical guidance is required to interpret results this can be obtained by contacting the consultant in charge for the relevant discipline.
To maintain patient confidentiality it is the policy of the laboratory not to fax laboratory reports.
Healthlink Electronic Link
Healthlink is an electronic reporting system to GP's and other clinics.
Lab results are transmitted electronically to subscribed GPs 4 times once fully authorised.
To access results electronically please email the Laboratory IT helpdesk via Lab.SystemUHW@hse.ie.
Please also notify the laboratory of any changes to GP staff to allow us maintain the correct database links.